WordPress.Org vs WordPress.com:哪个平台更适合你的网站或博客?
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mythical goblin spiritWhat is the difference between WordPress.Org and WordPress.com? How to choose

Are you interested in WordPress.Org respond in singing WordPress.com Confused by the differences between which one is better for your website or blog? Do you want to create your own website or blog but are not sure which platform to use?
If so, you've probably heard of WordPress, the most popular software used to create and manage websites and blogs.


But did you know there are two different ways to use WordPress:WordPress.Org and WordPress.com?
So you don't understand the two different ways to use WordPress.Org and WordPress.com, do you know what the main differences are between these two options and how they affect your website or blog?

Come explore the differences between WordPress.Org and WordPress.com, how to choose, pros and cons of using them ......

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